Monday, 28 March 2011

EVENTS - ICEF - Istanbul Conference of Economics and Finance (May 20-21, 2011)

Having unique historical and cultural values, Istanbul is becoming a global financial center. We are organizing a scientific event called Istanbul Conference of Economics and Finance (ICEF-2011) in order to contribute to Istanbul International Financial Center Project; to realize and evaluate short, medium, and long term plans; to take part in the mission of determining, coordinating and following the future objectives.

The main topic of the conference is determined as “The Sustainability of Global Financial Stability” The conference will take place on May 20-21, 2011 with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister and the State Minister in Charge of the Economy Ali Babacan, Minister of State for EU Affairs and The Chief Negotiator Egemen Bağış, and Minister of Finance Mehmet Şimşek. The themes of the Plenary Sessions are chosen as “Global Financial Stability and The Role of Central Banks Governance” and “Global Financial Stability and The Role of EU and Turkey.”

Istanbul Conference of Economics and Finance, to be held regularly, will be the meeting point of comprehensive works where the world of politics and business gather around a common goal. We are ambitious to draw some lessons from experienced crises, to develop learning’s about the problems to be faced in the future; to contribute for the development of economies in the regional, national and global level; to extend the ambiance of peace and comfort in the worldwide, to strive for the promotion of living quality of individuals and communities. (full story)