Thursday, 18 August 2011

EVENTS - AUTUMN SCHOOL - Durham Islamic Finance Autumn School 2011

Let's meet in Istanbul, the magnificent city of history, culture and trade, for the 
in cooperation with
ISAR – Istanbul Foundation for Research and Education
supported and hosted by
Istanbul Commerce University (of the Istanbul Chambers of Commerce)

19 September – 22 September 2011, ISTANBUL
Venue: Istanbul Commerce University, Eminonu, Istanbul,
overlooking the historical Golden Horn and at the shores of the historical peninsula

>Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance (DCIEF) with its international reputation in theoretical and empirical research has continued to share its experience by hosting an annual Islamic Finance Summer School (DIFSS) in Durham, which has proven to be very successful in the last five years, with 66 participants from all over the world in the 2011 Summer School.

Due to the high demand, a slightly shorter version of the DIFSS is organised in Istanbul from 19th September -22nd September 2011, one of the largest commercial and financial centres in the Middle East.

>This programme is jointly organised by DCIEF, Durham University, and ISAR – Istanbul Foundation for Research and Education, and it is supported by Istanbul Commerce University of the Istanbul Chambers of Commerce.

We are confident that this post-summer event will be equally valuable for the participants, whether they are pursuing a career in Islamic banking and finance industry, or in financial service providers are debating whether to offer Shari’ah compliant products, or pursuing academic research in Islamic finance related fields.

To make the programme more appealing to individuals from professional financial and banking sector, the session presenters are invited from the Islamic finance and banking industry.

The speakers for the Durham Islamic Finance Summer School, Istanbul 2011  (subject to confirmation):

Iqbal Khan, CEO, Fajr Capital; London, UK;
Mahmoud Mohieldin, Managing Director, the World Bank, New York, USA;
Humayon Dar, Chairman, President & CEO, Edbiz Consulting Ltd., London, UK;
Natalie Schoon, Bank of London and the Middle East, London, UK;
Iqbal Asaria, Afkar Consultancy, London, UK;
Abdurrahman Al Tolefat, CEO, Allianz Takaful, Bahrain;
Shehab Marzban, Ideal Ratings Co., Cairo, Egypt;
Farrukh Raza, IFAAS, Birmingham, UK;
Majdi Chaabouni, Founder and President of Amanah Consulting, Paris, UK
Rodney Wilson, Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Durham University, UK;
Habib Ahmed, Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Durham University, UK;
Mehmet Asutay, Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Durham University, UK;
and others

Themes for the Durham Islamic Finance Summer School, Istanbul 2011

Introduction to Islamic Moral Economy
Islamic Financing Instruments
Product Development in Islamic Finance
Islamic Financial Engineering
Risk and Risk Management in Islamic Finance
The Evolving Paradigm of Islamic Finance
The Current Financial Crisis and the Future of Islamic Finance
Islamic Derivatives and Market Risk Management
Corporate Governance of Islamic Financial Institutions
Islamic Asset Management
Shari’ah Screening Systems
Takaful and Takaful Industry
Alternative Asset Classes: Their Role in Islamic Financial Institutions

Participants will be awarded with the  Durham University’s Participation Certificate upon attending all the sessions

For further information and registration:

Course fee includes course material, lunch, dinner and sight seeing

TENTATIVE PROGRAMME (subject to change)

19th September 2011, Monday

10.00 Registration and Coffee

10.30 Opening Remarks

11.00 Break

11.30 An Introduction to Islamic Moral Economy
Dr Mehmet Asutay, Director, Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance, Durham University, UK

13.00 Break and Lunch

14.30 Islamic Financing Instruments
Professor Rodney Wilson, Professor of Islamic Finance, Durham University, UK
16.00 Break

16.30 The Continuing Global Economic Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for Islamic Finance
Iqbal Khan, CEO, Fajr Capital; London, UK

18.00 End of the Day

18.30 Bosphorous Tour - Istanbul

20th September 2011, Tuesday

09.30 Islamic Asset Management
Dr Natalie Schoon, Head of Product Research, Bank of London and the Middle East, London, UK

11.00 Break

11.30 Innovation and Financial Engineering in Islamic Finance I
Dr Humayon Dar, Chairman, President & CEO, Edbiz Consulting Ltd., London, U

13.00 Break and Lunch

14.30 Innovation and Financial Engineering in Islamic Finance II
Dr Humayon Dar, Chairman, President & CEO, Edbiz Consulting Ltd., London, UK

16.00 Break

16.30 Shari’ah Screening Systems I
Dr Shehab Marzban, Ideal Ratings Co., Cairo, Egypt

18.00 End of the Day

19.00 Dinner and Whirling Dervishes

21th September 2011, Wednesday
09.30 Shari’ah Screening Systems II
Dr Shehab Marzban, Ideal Ratings Co., Cairo, Egypt

11.00 Break

11.30 Islamic Capital Markets
Iqbal Asaria, Afkar Consultancy, London, UK

13.00 Break and Lunch

14.30 Shari’ah Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions
Farrukh Raza, Managing Director, IFAAS (Islamic Finance Advisory & Assurance Services), UK
16.00 Break

16.30 Takaful and Re-Takaful
Abdurrahman Al-Tolefat, former CEO, Allianz Takaful, Bahrain

18.00 End of the Day

19.00 Dinner

22nd September 2011, Thursday

09.30 Product Development in Islamic Banks
Professor Habib Ahmed, Sharjah Professor of Islamic Finance and Law, Durham University, UK

11.00 Break

11.30 The Risk Exposure of Asset & Liability Management in Islamic Financial Institutions
Majdi Chaabouni, Founder and President of Amanah Consulting, Paris, UK

13.00 Break and Lunch

14.30 Risk Sharing and Islamic Finance: Implications on Financial Stability
Mahmoud Mohieldin, Managing Director, World Bank, USA

16.00 Closure of the Programme & Certificates