Saturday 28 August 2010

BANKING - Turkey expand its Islamic banking and profits reached 470 million dollars in 2009

Islamic banking: Ahmed Alprusan

See the Turkish economy grew Metzida because of political stability and reforms by the Government of the Justice and Development, the record of the Turkish economy grew by 11.7 percent in the first quarter of this year, according to official data shows Turkish Finally, raising hopes the arrival of the annual growth to double the target government.
This growth, the second quarter in a row that the Turkish economy achieved growth, in line with market expectations on the upside. The Minister of Industry and Trade Nihat Airgun television that "T" that the rise in GDP, supported by other important economic indicators, refer to "stable recovery of the economy from the crisis." But he said the government expects growth to slow in the coming months so that no more than between 6 and 8 percent in the second quarter of the year. In any case, this puts economic growth at the top of the world the three countries China, India and Turkey. This is referred to by the Minister of Industry and Trade said the Turkish "The authorities expect the" Turkish economic growth by 6.8 percent in 2010 to become one of the fastest growing economies after China and India, particularly in the area .. These estimates and realistic. "

The growth, beating the expectations of the Turkish government, which had set the goal for growth in 2010, including not more than 3.5 percent, but officials said it was exceeded this figure much higher. The GDP has registered a significant decline by 14.7 percent in the first quarter of last year, when Turkey is in a deep recession amid the global financial crisis. But the economic recovery began in the fourth quarter of 2009, GDP grew by 6 percent after a year-long financial downturn, resulting in a decline in the growth of the economy by 4.7 percent last year. And industrial output rose by 17 percent in April at the fifth consecutive increase.

This is economic growth a significant achievement for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who faces general elections in 2011 fought between his Islamic-rooted against the opposition to win a third term, respectively. Nevertheless, unemployment remains a major challenge for the Government, amounted to 13.7 percent in April while the unemployment rate among young people 24.6 percent.

It must be pointed to economic growth in the era of "Justice and Development," which won the parliamentary elections of 2002 and the parliamentary elections 2007, making Turkey is ranked No. 16 in the world economy, it comes because of the stability and openness to the neighboring countries, according to the theory and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu "reset problems with neighboring countries," which opened the way for trade with the geographical proximity of Central Asia and the Middle East and Mediterranean East, Africa and the Arab world, but Turkey is under the Justice and Development Party ranked No. 8 in the world agricultural economy, after having been ranked No. 11 before the advent of "justice and development" of government and the Turkish export agricultural products to more than 177 countries in the world. Turkey is in the steel industry ranked number 30, which gives Turkey the status of economic and political in the world today.

Economic growth and the place occupied by Turkey today has made the president Barack Obama pays tribute to the importance and role of Turkey's geostrategic and economic, in an interview of Obama with the "Koeyera de la Sierra," the Italian president said "Turkey has a strategic importance huge, but as long as the intersection between East and West, Turkey's ally in NATO, and its economy is booming. "

But one thing is certain that the fight against corruption and attention to sectors of different countries and development in the countryside and cities contributed to this progress, especially Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has demonstrated a remarkable capacity to fight corruption and promote Istanbul municipality and available to the municipality a financial surplus due to the Department logo will, sincerity and a government team Smooth feel the problems of people of various sectors.

The Minister for Foreign Trade, the Turkish Zafer Kajlayan, last June, during the opening of an exhibition of the Middle East and neighboring countries held in Gaziantep in southeastern Turkey, said that his country aims to increase the volume of foreign trade to a trillion U.S. dollars with 2023, "The We want to work with our neighbors and our friends and particularly the Islamic states. "

Turkey has abolished visa for nationals of neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, as well as Libya, has increased the volume of trade between Turkey and Arab countries including more than doubled over the last five years, reaching nearly 30 billion dollars a year, but it is a number small compared to the volume of trade with the countries of the European Union.

One of the features of the new foreign policy led by the ruling Justice and Development Party is the fact that this policy is driven largely by economic and commercial interests. We note that the Turkish Prime Minister accompanied by the many international trips, large numbers of businessmen Turks. Therefore, the announcement of the formation of a zone of free trade and free travel as well as Turkey include both Syria and Lebanon and Jordan is consistent with this trend. The volume of Turkish trade with Iran is expected to increase, Iran was the tenth largest trading partner of Turkey in 2009, with trade volume reached 5.4 billion dollars, which amounts to two per cent of total foreign trade of Turkey. By comparison, the volume of trade among Turkey and the EU's largest export destination and 103.5 billion dollars last year. The volume of Turkish trade with Israel, about 2.6 billion dollars. And Turkey exported goods worth 2.025 billion dollars for the Islamic Republic in 2009, an increase of more than 500 per cent, compared with 334 million dollars in 2002 when he took the Justice and Development Party led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government for the first time. Under the ruling Justice and Development Party achieved a record growth of the Turkish economy, and Iran has become an attractive export market for those so-called Anatolian Tigers. It is expected that in 2010 Iran ranks 12 among the largest importers of Turkish goods after it was ranked 17 in 2005. Most of the exports of the automotive, machinery, chemicals and clothing, especially from small and medium-sized enterprises. And suggested that Turkey and Iran in 2007 to manufacture a car joint ventures with Malaysia, but did not hear very little about this project since then.

It is worth mentioning that Turkey's exports much less compared to the exports of Iran and most of the gas. And exported goods worth the Islamic Republic of 8.2 billion dollars to Turkey in 2008. But low fuel prices and a slowdown in economic activity caused the retreat of this amount to 3.4 billion dollars last year. As Turkey is a major transit route for goods between the EU and Iran, even with countries like Britain, a member of the European Union, in a visit by Turkish Foreign Minister to London in early July, said the Turkish minister that Britain and Turkey want to double bilateral trade to 20 billion dollars a year the coming years. The Ihsanoglu, in a press conference after talks with British Foreign Secretary William Hague, "reached the foreign trade between Turkey and Britain, about 13 billion dollars in 2008. Fell in 2009 to nine billion dollars." He added, "We discussed how to strengthen again .. not 13 billion but 20 billion dollars in coming years because we have this capability. Turkish economy growing at a pace too fast."

Istanbul Stock Exchange

Turkey Islamic banks interest

The Turkish state has a long history, despite the policy of Ataturk in Westernization of Turkish society after the abolition of the Islamic caliphate in 1923, Islam is rooted in the hearts of Turkish people are Muslims constitute a 99 per cent, despite the adoption of the western system, has adopted Turgut Ozal when he chaired the Turkish Ministry of 1983, policy of economic openness and found the currents and Islamic groups in his outlet for the exercise of its advocacy in the area of economic investment, has been issued in the Ozal era banking law, Islamic, and enables the Islamists in Turkey from entering the world of finance and large-scale projects, was founded Albaraka Turk, Faysal Bank Vinnanc Saudi and Turkish Bank of Kuwait , which has enhanced the financial influence and funding to Islamic movements, establishing numerous industrial and commercial projects and was able to force the Arab and Muslim world.

The Islamic financial sector, which is known in Turkey's participation exceeded savings banks 25 billion dollars after they had 85 billion dollars, the savings are expected to constitute 10 percent of the savings capital of Turkish banks. The number of Islamic banks in Turkey to five banks, after the opening of Dubai Islamic Bank branch in Istanbul, according to the report of the Association of the participating banks, which includes four banks, the estimated profits of these banks in 2009 to 470 billion dollars. These Banks: Al Baraka albaraka, and the Bank of Asia and the World Bank Asya Kuwait Turkish Kuveyt-Turk, Turkey Finance Turkiye-Finans.

The president praised the Turkish Central Bank Dormic Yilmaz experience the Turkish banking during the opening of the Fifth Conference of the banks and Islamic financial institutions in Damascus, adding that the Islamic financial institutions in Turkey integrated into the traditional banking sector is an integral part of the financial sector in Turkey, stressing his country's keenness to exchange experiences with other countries to take advantage of to develop the work of Islamic banks and diversify their services and extend its reach in the world. And Mr. Yilmaz that despite the difficulties created by the global financial crisis, the Islamic banking has expanded because of the foundations and the strong fundamentals of it is based, is still able to compete and play an active role in the global banking system which could attract many international bodies to participate in this experiment Banking . Yilmaz stressed the need for further efforts to increase capital transactions in Islamic banking and to develop the customer base and strengthen the regulatory framework for Islamic financial institutions in terms of creating a network security systems and new insurance.

It confirms the interest of Turkey in the Islamic banking, and public interest by the number of branches in the year 2009 to 560 branches and employs the 11 802 employees, and a positive step in a country that was dominated by the military and secular surprising radical, is expected to increase the number of branches in the coming years report also noted the Association of Banks participation PBAT.

Source :  Aug 27, 2010