Wednesday 2 March 2011

EVENTS - CONFERENCE - CALL FOR PAPERS - 2nd World Conference on Riba ( deadline March 31, 2011)


The Riba Conundrum: Impartial outlook from accounting, legal and religious perspectives. 

 “Hence, while the Qur’anic condemnation of the concept and practice of riba is unequivocal and final, every successive Muslim generation is faced with the challenge of giving new dimensions and a fresh economic meaning to this term which, for want for a better word, may be rendered as ‘usury’”
                                                              Muhamad Asad The Message of the Qur’an

Date: 18th-19th July, 2011
Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

As a sequence to the highly successful 1st World Conference on Riba that was held in Kuala Lumpur on the 1st and 2nd November, 2010, Thinkers Trends Resources in collaboration with the Department of Finance, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia and International Islamic University College Selangor (KUIS) is pleased to announce the organizing of the 2nd World Conference on Riba to be held  on the 18th and 19th July, 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (source)

Conference Objectives
 The conference objectives are as follows:
  • To continue the discussion on the issue of Riba in an attempt to get to the core of   its meaning – from religious, scientific and economic perspectives
  • To attain a wider consensus on the meaning of Riba among scholars, policy makers and the masses
  •  To get more participation from all - the intellectual, business community and the  government - to discuss this pertinent issue of Riba that many blame for the current global economic and political turmoil
  • To discuss in-depth on the relationship between accounting standards and Riba; and what can be done to mitigate the issue
  • To discuss in detail the issue of legal tender, involving parties like Ministry of  Finance, Bank Negara Malaysia and intellectuals, to enlighten the masses on the issue
  • To discuss the links between Accounting Standards and Riba
  • To network global communities to address the Riba issue.
  • To chart systematic ways to move forward hereon, to achieve the point where people can have the choice of a life without Riba - RIFCON

Areas of interest for the 2nd World Conference on Riba include, but are not limited to:
  • Revisiting Riba: Giving new meaning to an age-old issue
  • Accounting Standards
  • Legal Tender
  • Riba from Religious Perspective
  • Riba from Economic and Scientific Perspectives
  • Riba and World Economic Order
  • Community Currencies
  • Alternatives to Riba Based Economy
  • Alternatives to circumvent Riba
  • Riba and Global Poverty
  • Riba and the International Banking System
  • Riba and the Fiat Monetary System
  • Riba-free Microfinance
  • Media Against Riba
  • Education Against Riba

Important Dates:

Submission of abstract not later than 31st March, 2011
Notification of acceptance of abstract will be made by 15th April, 2011
Submission of complete paper not later than 15th June, 2011

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel for consideration of any other conference or workshop with proceedings. All papers will be subject to a blind review and must be written in English. Authors are requested to submit their abstracts and papers through the following: RIFCON2@worldribaconference.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . - website