Monday, 21 March 2011

Call for Papers : Inaugural ISRA Colloquium

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: June 28-29, 2011


We are now inviting scholars and post-graduate students to submit scholarly, conceptual and applied papers to address a gamut of issues and problems encompassed in Islamic finance.

Papers are invited in topics that cover, but not limited to: (see hereunder)

1. Islamic Banking
  • Innovation in Islamic banking
  • Innovation in equity based financing
  • Product structuring, instruments
  • Ethics in Islamic banking
  • Shariah Laws and Regulation Accounting and legal framework
  • Islamic Wealth Management
  • Islamic Treasury Operation
  • Risk Management
  • Shariah and Corporate Governance

2. Islamic Capital Market
  • Innovation in Islamic capital market
  • Shariah Framework for Islamic Capital Market
  • Regulatory Framework & Governance for Islamic Capital Market
  • Rating in Islamic Capital Market
  • Shari’ah and legal issues in Sukuk issuance
  • Islamic Asset Backed Securities
  • Islamic Funds
  • Islamic Private Equity & Venture Capital
  • Islamic Hedge Fund & ETF
  • Islamic Structured Products & Derivatives
  • Liquidity Management

3. Takaful and Re-Takaful
  • Innovation in takaful operation
  • Shari’ah mechanism to strengthen takaful fund
  • Innovation in MicroTakaful
  • Strategic investment options for takaful funds
  • Underwriting practice
  • Sale and distribution process in takaful and re-takaful
  • Effective Marketing and Communication in takaful and re-takaful
  • Micro risks and risk management
  • Legal, Regulatory and Jurisprudential Issues in Takaful and re-takaful

Important Dates to Watch:
  1. Submission of abstract: 7th April 2011
  2. Notification of acceptance: 14th April 2011
  3. Submission of full paper: 15th May 2011

Submission of Abstract
Submitted abstracts MUST be in English or Arabic and strictly limited to 250-500 words, including keywords. Abstracts must include the following information:

  1. Title of paper
  2. Conference theme or sub-theme for which the paper should be considered
  3. Full name(s) of author(s) and their organizational affiliation
  4. E-mail address for the (first) author
  5. Number of words
  6. Author’s resume of up to 300 words (excluded from 500 word limitation)

All abstracts must be submitted via email to or

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 7st April 2011. The research committee will consider all abstracts received by the submission deadline. The authors whose abstracts are accepted will receive notification by 14th April 2011. The abstract must provide a means of communicating new results and significant conclusions. Only original and previously unpublished work should be submitted for consideration.

Submission Guideline
  1. The typeface used should be Times New Roman font 12 pt and with 1 inch margin for left and right of the page.
  2. The title page should clearly state:
    2.1. Title of the paper
    2.2. The keywords related to the paper
    2.3. Name of the author(s)
    2.4. Department(s) and affiliation(s)
    2.5. Mailing address
    2.6. Email address
    2.7. Phone numbers
    2.8. Fax number
    2.9. The corresponding author(s) if different than the lead author
  3. The first page of the paper should also include the title of the paper as well as the abstract. Papers and abstract must only be sent via email.
  4. Authors should provide brief biodata, including full name, professional designation, organization, academic qualifications, contact details and field of expertise.
  5. Contributors are responsible for the copyright of their own writing.
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